Showing posts with label hiring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hiring. Show all posts

Monday, June 1, 2009

Mediocre employees

Motivating the mediocre: Getting the maximum out of someone who's giving you the minimum

Disruptive or incompetent employees need to be dealt with. But what do you do about a staff member who is settling for average? Experts offer tips on how to spot someone who is in a rut and help kick the employee out of it.

Larry Stevens, AMNews correspondent. April 14, 2008.

Underperforming staffers can seriously hurt a practice. And one of your longest-lasting, most loyal employees could be a culprit. Experts say it's easy to spot an employee who can't do the job, but a mediocre employee is less obvious And, perhaps more pernicious.
Preventing mediocrity

At Envisage Health, Inc., we can help your organization not only identify mediocrity in your organization, we can provide industry proven methods and techniques to coach to success and high performance. We utilize a unique set of tools that allow identification of 17 characteristics that we can match to high performance for specific positions. We also provide coaching and 360 reviews that have meaning and action plans.

Please visit for more details

Simon Mittal, CEO, Founder
Envisage Health, Inc.